
childhood saadi
Childhood, Education and Personal Information  

Al-Saadi Muammar Gaddafi was born in 1973 in the Libyan city of Tripoli, and he went to the city's schools. He enrolled in Omar bin al-Khattab primary school, and studied the preparatory stage at Martyr Mohammed Magariaf school and Haider al-Saati school, before eventually completing the secondary stage at Ali Warith high school.  

He later joined the Military College in Tajoura in 1989, and he graduated five years later as a civil engineer with the rank of Captain in the Libyan Army.  

Al-Saadi got married in 2001, and later parted with his wife. He has two children: a boy named Muhammad (born in 2002) and a girl name sfiyyeh (born in 2003) .  

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